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Envisioning the different futures that could possibly happen can help us find a suitable way to address the problem with the world's energy.

Probable Futures

What is the probable future if the situation continues?


Right now, were finding new and inventive ways to harness the energy from Earth's resources.  But, nonrenewable energy outnumbers the amount of renewable energy is used.  Oil is still the most used energy source in Hawaii, and it's nonrenewable, meaning that it will run out sometime soon.  Some things that would happen in this future is:


- The government will increasingly enforce new laws that influence companies to switch to renewable energy sources 

- Hawaii will become the largest importer of oil in the world, becoming the blame for the depletion of oil

- Make new policies that replace nonrenewable energy with renewable energy sources used in the state

- Place Green Taxes on households and businesses who decide to use nonrenewable energy 

- Educate citizens that the energy that creates the electricity could run out soon

Preferred Future

What do you and other want to happen in the future?


The best thing for Hawaii is to keep on continuing to change.  If we really strive to reach our goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045, then that would be the preferred future.  That future where we don't rely on other countries to export their goods to our island and become the self-sufficient people we were when the Hawaiians first came.  We can get to this preferred future by:


- Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels fully and only needing renewable energy to sustain our lifestyle

- Creating new technology that allows us to use the Sun, wind, and water, more than what building windmills and solar panels are doing right now

- Start providing more cost-efficient ways to make homes and businesses energy-efficient

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